“Take our hands, work through them. Take our lips, speak through them. Take our minds, think through them. Take our hearts, set them on fire.”

ABCCM | Asheville Transitional Housing at Transformation Village

Transitional Housing at Transformation Village

ABCCM Transformation Village provides up to 100 beds of transitional housing for homeless women, mothers with children, and Veterans. 
Transforming lives is through four developmental phases called Steps to Success. These include:
  1. Stabilization, with all the basic necessities provided; 
  2. Life Skills Training, with over 60 volunteer courses to choose from including Bible studies; 
  3. Education and Professional Training Certifications that lead to living wage jobs; 
  4. Reintegration that leads to permanent housing.  
We are honored to report that 8 out of 10 leave us with a living wage job and permanent housing.

Transformation Village gives hope, healing, health, and a home. Residents get a fresh start and a place to heal – surrounded and supported by the love, trust, education and companionship that is given by our volunteers and congregations.

At Transformation Village, lives are transformed through counseling, training for living wage employment, and help with reintegration into the community. Residents receive health care, healing, hope, and a home. Within a year of arriving homeless at the shelter, 8 out of 10 guests find a good job and resettle into permanent housing. Not only that, 97% are still sober, housed and working two years after leaving.
*ABCCM is not providing emergency shelter during Covid-19 restrictions.
Emergency shelter may be available at Room In The Inn or Helpmate for domestic violence.

Volunteer Spotlight

 Transformation Village ministries are sustained by donations from our area churches and the community. Monthly contributions (of any amount) are needed because it costs about $2,000 a month per guest and about $2,500 per person for employment training. Contributions can be made on our Giving page. Every gift is help – not just for a day but for life.

Please visit our volunteer page to see many opportunities for you to be a part of impacting lives.  We need greeters/receptionists who can share the gift of hospitality along with cook teams to share a meal.  We need volunteers to lead Bible studies, teach a class, or provide life-skills classes. We need volunteers who will help enrich the lives of our children by providing a variety of learning experiences so moms can attend classes. There are also numerous one-day projects. Contact our volunteer coordinator for more information.

ABCCM’s area partners include Buncombe County Health and Human Services, VAYA Health, and the Charles George Veterans Administration Medical Center plus AB-Tech’s Continuing Education program. Additionally, ABCCM will continue collaborations with area organizations such as Our Voice and Helpmate to address domestic violence and sexual trauma. Mental health and substance abuse organizations work with ABCCM’s Recovery Living Services and ABCCM’s Medical Ministry to ensure that our residents are receiving the highest level of support as they transition into their permanent homes.

Opportunities To Serve

To serve with us, contact the volunteer coordinator at shannon.paris@abccm.org.

Cook Teams: This opportunity is exclusively for volunteers who would like to form a team (2 or more people) and come serve a meal to our ladies. Our cook teams provide the meal and serve it to our residents. At lunch we serve 35-45 residents and at dinner we serve 45-55 residents.

Chaplain/Mentor: This is a chance to visit with our residents in an informal setting and provide spiritual support and discussion.

House Garden: We are looking for volunteers to help us (hours can fit their own schedule) develop our small garden program. There is also an opportunity to be a sponsor for our Garden Club at Transformation Village.

Child Enrichment Teams: This opportunity is exclusively for volunteers who would like to form a team (3 or more people with one member being over 21) to provide supervision and playtime for our kiddos in the house during our evening programming while their moms are attending classes or attending to other house matters. This is from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm on weeknights.

Life Skills Instructors: Almost all of our classes are led by volunteers and this is a unique way to interact with the residents. If you have a skill you would like to teach, let us know!

Administrative/Data Entry or Internship: This is a way to help the staff with paperwork, inputting data, and other office tasks. This opportunity can be used for school credit. Help welcome volunteers and cook teams at the Kiosk.

Points Room Attendant: The points room is our in-house store. Volunteers in this area serve as points cashiers and help organize and restock with donations.

Maintenance: General maintenance of the facility and cleaning of facility (mopping floors, vacuuming, emptying trash cans)

Transportation Support: Driving residents to various appointments such as doctor’s, job interviews, etc. Requires a flexible schedule and background check.


Current Needs/Donations Accepted

These items can be dropped off at Transformation Village, 30 Olin Haven Way between 11-4. 

Postage Stamps
Ethnic Hair Care
Journals/Daily Planners
Boy/Girl Youth Underwear (new)
AA/AAA Batteries
Pill Boxes



Bedroom Slippers (Boy/Girl Youth/Adult)
Laundry Detergent
Peroxide Mouthwash
Pharmacy/Grocery Gift Cards
Blank Note Cards
Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

Furniture or household items CANNOT be accepted at Transformation Village, but can be dropped off at these Donation Ministry warehouses: ABCCM South, ABCCM North, or ABCCM Hominy Valley.



Volunteer Opportunities

Get Help

To be placed on the waiting list, women experiencing homelessness should call (828) 398-6920 and leave a message. Female Veterans experiencing homelessness should call (828) 380-5846 and leave a message. Someone will return your call.

Contact Transformation Village

Mailing address:
30 Olin Haven Way
Asheville, NC 28806

(828) 259-5365 (P)
(828) 259-5369 (F)

Carolyn Cronin, Director
Shannon Paris, Volunteer Coordinator

Hurricane Helene Relief Fund