Journeys of Hope Gala & Auction

Friday, August 23, 2024
Crown Plaza Resort – Event Center 
1 Resort Drive
Asheville, NC 28806
5:30 pm Reception
6:15 Dinner
7:00 pm Program/Livestream
Semi-Formal Attire
Corporate sponsorship tiers beginning at $1500
(May be adjusted pending an official M.O.U.)
Auction to be held online beginning August 16th
You can participate in the Silent Auction online beginning the week before Gala night. Bidding will open August 16, will be paused during the live auction, and conclude on August 23 at 10:30 pm after the Gala has ended. Silent Auction items are priced with the starting bid.
Ways you can register for the Online Auction:
1. Text ABCCM to 76278
2. Visit our secure registration page



Your Gift Restores & Transforms Lives

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you cared for me, I was in prison and you visited me.”

MATTHEW 25:35-40

Sponsorship Levels

Please contact ABCCM Special Events to discuss Gala sponsorship opportunities:, 828-259-5337


Tier 1

  • Full table at the Gala for up to 8 guests
  • Thank-you during the Gala program
  • Logo included on:
    • Sponsor poster at venue
    • ABCCM’s Gala webpage (5,700 users monthly)
    • Art card to be aired on WLOS pre- and post-Gala

Tier 2


Same as Tier 1, plus:

  • Thank-you in ABCCM’s social media (boosted 15,000 reach)
  • Thank-you in ABCCM’s newsletter (17,000 recipients)

Tier 3


Same as Tier 2, plus:

  • Display at the venue for sponsor information/promo material

Tier 4


Same as Tier 3, plus:

  • Name included in PR release to 30 area media outlets
  • Sponsor promo video (up to 1 minute) aired during the live program
  • Additional table on Gala night (up to 16 guests)



Same Tier 4, plus:

  • Name and logo used in all marketing materials (“ABCCM Gala presented by ______”)
  • Up to 3 minutes for promo video OR spokesperson message during the live program



Same as Premier, plus:

  • Priority placement of name and logo in all marketing materials
  • Additional table on Gala night (up to 24 guests)

Please contact ABCCM Special Events to discuss Gala sponsorship opportunities:, 828-259-5337

Dedicate this Donation

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Donation Total: $1,000 One Time