ABCCM Executive Leadership
ABCCM was formed by churches in the Asheville – Buncombe area to respond to emergency assistance needs in the community. ABCCM seeks to create opportunities for its supporting churches to serve together in a cooperative and collaborative manner which extends the mission outreach of each church to reach out and serve others in the name of Christ.
ABCCM’s administrators, program directors and other staff work closely with our Board of Directors and advisory committees to ensure that our staff and facilities are an extension of the ownership and outreach of each congregation. We look to volunteers from our churches and are able utilize our common resources and experiences in meeting the critical needs of the under-served thereby providing the framework for ongoing ministry in the name of Christ to our community.

Round Image with Shadow Box Style
Create a team page on your Elementor website with a round style image with shadow box style. Experiment with colors and display name, designation and social profiles information.

Reverend Scott Rogers
Executive Director
- Phone:(828) 259-5300

Brandon Wilson
Chief Operating Officer

Tim McElyea
Chief Administrative Officer
- Phone:(828) 259-5300

Kami Doty
Chief Financial Officer
- Phone:(828) 259-5300

Chandler Carriker
Church Engagement Officer
- Phone:(828) 259-5300

Anita Hunter
Human Resources Director
- Phone:(828) 259-5300
Mia Phillips
Marketing and Communications Director
- Phone:(828) 259-5300
Rob Goodin
Logistics Director
- Phone:(828) 259-5300
Brooke Smith
Crisis Ministry Director
- Phone:(828) 259-5300
Dr. Daniel Frayne, MD
Medical Ministry Director
- Phone:(828) 259-5300
Marcus Laws
Veterans Restoration Quarters Director
- Phone:(828) 259-5300
Jessica Rice
Managing Director, Veterans Services of the Carolinas
- Phone:(828) 259-5300
Marcus Laws
Veterans Restoration Quarters Director
- Phone:(828) 259-5300
Alvarez Abernathy
Recovery Living Ministry at Costello House
Jessica Rice
Managing Director, Veterans Services of the Carolinas
- Phone:(828) 259-5300
Board of Directors & Committees
Board Chair
Rev. Alfred Blount
Vice Chair
Rev. Shekinah Schwartz
Mitzi Reed
Julie Singleton
Marketing Committee
Nilda Stafford
Nominating Committee
Rev. Steve Harris
Pastor from a Member Church
Rev. Vic Wilfong
Personnel Committee
Michele “Shelly” Morris
Property Committee
Rick Wartzok
Shepherding Pastor
Rev. Matt Smith
Crisis Ministry Representative
Angel Moreno
Hominy Valley Representative
Mark Seibel
South Representative
Barbara Gora-Bull
North Samaritan Representative
Kerry Border
Medical Ministry Representative
Rev. Dr. John Grant
Transformation Village Representative
Rev. Melissa Hughes
Jail Ministry Representative
Jim Sherar
Veterans Restoration Quarters Representative
Chris Wright
Veterans Services of the Carolinas Representative
General Kevin Turner
Recovery Living Ministry at Costello House Representative
Steve Ward