A-B Tech’s chapter of the Phi Beta Lambda club recently won a statewide award for a volunteer service project for ABCCM’s Veterans Restoration Quarters, and in a few weeks members of the club will take the project to the national level!
The club members did a schoolwide donation drive, during which they collected items such as men’s multi-vitamins, razors, spray air freshener, shaving cream and socks – all needed items for the nearly 250 veterans who live at the VRQ while they are moving to self-sustainability. A-B Tech students, faculty and staff came through with items, and the collected donations were presented to the VRQ on March 17. The club compiled a presentation about the donation drive, which club members Darinda Noah and Angela Lore shared at the PBL State Leadership Conference in April. The project was named the top Community Service Project for the state, and will be presented in June at the PBL national conference in Anaheim, Calif.
“Veterans are a big part of the culture at A-B Tech,” Darinda Noah said. “We will do our best to win [at the national level], and in so doing – shine a light on the VRQ on a national stage.”
The club enjoyed their experience so much that they plan to return to the VRQ to serve as a cook team in order to interact with the veterans. We are so blessed for the support from the A-B Tech community!