I’m not a meteorologist, but I can say with confidence that we’ve had some very cold temperatures this winter! With nearly as much confidence I can say that we will continue to have cold temperatures in the coming days and weeks. As the late winter/early spring weather in Western North Carolina continues to be completely unpredictable, a very real constant remains: there are people, like Mark from Candler, who have serious and immediate needs.

Mark came to the ABCCM Ferguson Crisis Ministry Site on Thursday, March 8th because his power had been disconnected. Mark has supported his wife and child for years, but the company he worked for recently closed its doors, leaving him without an income. Mark was without income for a couple of months while he was applying for new jobs, so when the recent period of cold weather hit he became unable to pay his electric bill. As a result of this, his power was turned off.
One of ABCCM’s longtime counselors, Carole, spoke with Mark and helped him create a plan. This plan included a pledge from ABCCM to get his power and heat restored. Due to an unavoidable series of unfortunate events, the additional assistance Mark needed wasn’t immediately available. The family was forced to stay up all night huddled around a small kerosene heater to make it through the sub-freezing temperatures on that night.
We sat down again with Mark Friday morning, upped our pledge, and brought in another community partner. This enabled us to help Mark’s family have their power restored! It is only due to the support of ABCCM’s member churches that we have the ability to keep a difficult situation such as this from becoming an increasingly dangerous one. Mark, his wife, teenage daughter, and their pets will have a warm home, running water, food to eat and a way to prepare it this weekend directly because of ABCCM’s supporters.
Unfortunately, Mark and his family are not the only people in our community that were cold and hungry last night. There will be many more who continue to be cold and hungry in Buncombe County tonight, as freezing temperatures and snow are in the forecast this weekend. Help us address this need.
As you read this, please understand that without the funding we have received from people and churches like you, we couldn’t have helped Mark’s family. Thank you! We will only be able to help those who would otherwise be cold and hungry tonight through the funding we hope to receive from you today. With God’s help, through you, we can transform lives.
Luke 3:10-11 “What should we do then?” The crowd asked. John answered, “Anyone with two shirts should share with one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”
Ian Williams, Hominy Valley Crisis Ministry Site Coordinator