When did we see You, Lord – and feed or clothe You, or care for You? When did we visit You or welcome You in … ?
Matt 25:37

Many did just that on Friday, Aug. 25! The final tally for our Transformation Celebration Benefit was $221,798, which will provide food, clothes, medical care and medicine, visitation and Bible studies in the jail, and transitional housing for women, children and Veterans!
The Transformation Celebration Benefit will continue to impact hundreds of lives by equipping and empowering homeless women and moms with children. We saw and heard in a moving video the amazing story of Jessica, who had the courage to share how Christ found her in jail. Upon release, she wanted to avoid triggers from her past; so she went to a local halfway house and then was blessed to move in to Steadfast House. ABCCM’s Medical Ministry brought her health, as it does for so many in our community. The Crisis Ministry helped with furniture when she moved in to her new home.
Volunteers kept encouraging her in Bible study at her new church home. Volunteers offered life skills training. A volunteer opened the door for her to get a job, and she now works in a supervisory role at three motels. She has inspiration in her church and a solid family. Now she gives back as a volunteer in the Jail Ministry and on our Steadfast House-Transformation Village Advisory Committee.
One auction gift resulted in two cars being given away: one to a Veteran and one to a mom and her child. They will drive to their new jobs and find homes they can afford, near their jobs. We are praising God with them!
We celebrated a delightful evening with great food provided by local restaurants and from local suppliers. The room was elegant and many community leaders and other volunteers enjoyed finding special treasures given by almost 200 generous donors. The evening was topped off by an amazing musical group: Jett Edwards and the Believers.
Whether you were present, or not, you can be a part of transforming lives. Please be an ambassador for ABCCM to spread the word about how many lives are transformed each and every day. Let others know what volunteers say when they serve: not only are lives transformed with a hand up, but their own lives are changed too. Last Friday, new sets of keys were put in ABCCM volunteer hands: to open a car door, to open a door to a new home, a new education, and open a heart to embrace a new future. Please keep us in your prayers.