“Take our hands, work through them. Take our lips, speak through them. Take our minds, think through them. Take our hearts, set them on fire.”

ABCCM | Asheville Medical Ministry

Medical Ministry Mission

ABCCM offers the only free clinic so the uninsured have access to medical care, dental care and medicine.  Those without insurance of any kind are served by two pharmacies that distributed about $3.3 million in prescriptions and about $2.5 million in medical/dental care, an impact of $5.8 million in health care in Buncombe County.

The ABCCM Medical Ministry provides urgent care, medication assistance, and crisis dental care to nearly 4,000 Buncombe County adults between 18-65. Those patients—many of whom are working two or more jobs to make ends meet—are deeply grateful for these services.


Volunteers who serve give countless hours to help those in need and they are grateful to serve and give back. Volunteers include physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, hygienists, receptionists, intake workers, data entry, medical records and other non-medical volunteers. Medical students from MAHEC, Western Carolina University, and A-B Tech also volunteer as part of their clinical rotations. Serving this population teaches students how to minister to many different needs, and opens their eyes to the ongoing need of the uninsured in our community.

The following positions are always welcome:

  • Receptionists (Charting, Intake)
  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • CNA
  • Pharmacists
  • Pharmacy Techs
  • Students
  • Residency
Ministry Newsletters

Volunteer Spotlight


ABCCM Medical Ministry is a nonprofit organization funded by grants, partnerships, and private donations. Your financial gifts allow us to continue to serve our uninsured neighbors in need in Buncombe County. Our donors are grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others in our community, to help defray the high cost of healthcare.

How much does it cost financially to run this ministry?

  • Medical visit to our clinic – $32.47
  • Dental visit – $48.02
  • Average cost per prescription in our pharmacy – $13.08


We accept gifts of medical equipment, medical supplies, and cleaning supplies; as well as prescription medications and over the counter medications.

Medical equipment donations should be clean, in working order, and have no missing parts.

Large items (i.e. hospital beds, lifts, electric wheelchairs, etc.) cannot be stored at 155 Livingston Street. Items most needed in the community include: walkers, shower chairs and benches, bedside commodes, manual wheelchairs, and automatic blood pressure cuffs.

For questions regarding donations, please contact the medical clinic at (828) 259-5339.

ABCCM Medication Donation Policy

Because ABCCM is a Christian ministry that relies on the generosity of the Buncombe County community, we gratefully acknowledge all donations of time, talent, energy, and supplies given to help our neighbors in need. We are also entrusted with safely handling medications, so we respectfully ask that all medications go directly to the clinic* and not be dropped off at other Ministry locations.

Per the NC Board of Pharmacy recommendations, ABCCM Medical Ministry Pharmacy may accept medication donations from individuals in the community which meet the following criteria:

  • Must be in a manufacturer’s sealed container or package
  • Must not be past the expiration date on the packaging
  • Must not be a controlled substance or chemotherapeutic agent
  • Must not require refrigeration for storage

* Medication donations should be dropped off at:

ABCCM Doctors’ Medical Clinic
155 Livingston, Asheville, NC, 28801
Mon, Tues, and Thursday
9a-6p and Wed 9a-1p
Please call the clinic at (828) 259-5339 to make other arrangements

Please consider the above requirements when making a donation of unused medications to ABCCM Medical Ministry.



ABCCM Medical Ministry

2024 Gold Rating
NAFC Quality Standards Program


155 Livingston St.,  Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 259-5339 | (828) 259-5316 (fax)

Hours of Operation

No Dental Clinic during Covid-19

Medical Clinic

Staff will be available to take calls Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 6 pm.  Contact the clinic during the morning regarding visits and refills.  (828) 259-5339

Walk-in clinic open Monday – Thursday 9am – 12 noon

Medical Clinic Pharmacy

155 Livingston St.,  Asheville, NC 28801
Brittne Martens, PharmD, Pharmacy Manager

Monday: 9 am – 1 pm; 2 pm – 6 pm
Tuesday: 9 am – 1 pm; 5:30 pm – 6 pm
Wednesday: 9 am – 1 pm
Thursday: 9 am – 1 pm; 5:30 pm – 6 pm

Medical Clinic Pharmacy Refill Line

(828) 398-6687

ABCCM 356 Pharmacy

356 Biltmore Ave. Suite 205, Asheville, NC 28801
Nancy Seymour, Pharmacy Manager
(828) 259-5306

Key Staff

Beth Reeves, Clinic Coordinator – FNP
Kevin Ray, Volunteer Coordinator

Do you need immediate medical attention?

Please visit us during the open hours listed above. Arrive ahead of time for all medical and dental clinics. All services are provided on a “first come, first served” basis and space is limited.


Volunteer Opportunities

Needs including: Receptionists, Clerical / Data entry, Intake, Providers (MDs,